The concept of working in a multi-platform newsroom has been around since web creation. The economics of this reality is finally trickling down in newsrooms and academia. It is no longer enough to just be a good writer, or an editor or photographer. To insure a lengthy life expectancy in journalism today, you must be able to do all three. Compartmentalization is out, convergence is in. Darwinism is the philosophy that reigns supreme; adapt or die.
Terrific article on Poynter's website about what's going on at Ball State. Students are learning how not just about new media platforms, but how to apply different skill sets along these platforms. One student took a NASCAR internship--against her professor's recommendation--and helped design a graphic that was used on a race car. This translated to revenue for the driving team.
You think she has a leg up on the competition come job interview time?
Just another example of how we must think differently about our jobs in media today. By attaching a sales and marketing component to how you evaluate opportunities and their outcomes, not you will stand out from your competition, you will be thinking like an innovator.
And you will be employed.
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